The Religious Beliefs of North East India

About the book

The tribal religions of north-east India like all other tribal religions of the world may be termed as pre-literate religions as they do not have written scriptures. These religions are the expression of human experiences like history, folklore, myth and way of life that come into one shape. Tribal religions in most of the cases are found in villages: beginning from the family, clan and society. Religious belief related to the existence, nature and worship of a deity or deities and divine involvement in the universe and human life. It also relates to certain values and practices being transmitted by a spiritual leader. Unlike other belief systems, it is passed on orally. Religious belief tends to be codified in literate societies but religion in non-literate societies is still largely passed on orally. Religious belief can also involve causes, principles or activities believed in with careful devotion concerning points or matters of belief or conscience. North-east India is famous for its tribal cultures which are circled around the traditional religions of the tribal people inhabiting this region. Each and every tribe has its own distinctive cultural and religious beliefs. Their religious beliefs are related with their day to day activities. Moreover, their beliefs are associated with their festivals, rites of passage; birth, initiation, marriage, death, etc., agricultural activities, sickness, natural phenomena, spirits both malevolent and benevolent, gods and goddesses, magic and sorcery, sin and taboo and so on. The book entitled “The Religious Beliefs of the North-East India” is an attempt to bring out these intricate traditional beliefs, customs and practices still followed by the tribes of north-east India.

About the Author

Abbiegelia Rynjah, born on 17 November 1982, hails from Shillong. After graduating from St. Mary’s College, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, she did a Diploma Course on Folkloristics from the Centre for Cultural and Creative Studies, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong and later completed an M.A. in Cultural Studies from tezpur University, Assam.

Author: Abbiegelia Rynjah
Publisher: Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures (DBCIC)
ISBN: 81-85-408-00-48
Price: INR 110

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